Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Thanksgiving Scripture - Nov 1


November is a month of familial joy, and it is also SVCA’s annual Month of Thanksgiving. We’ve chosen thirty readings from the Book of Psalms for this year’s Scriptures of Thanksgiving, and they are divided into the following six categories:
  1. Giving thanks to God for who God is
  2. Giving thanks to God for God’s salvation
  3. Giving thanks to God in difficult circumstances
  4. Turning to God and giving thanks while going through injustice and grievances
  5. Giving thanks to God for answered prayers
  6. Giving thanks to God for spiritual battles won
Psalms are meant to be sung and not pedantically studied, but they are, nevertheless, profound in wisdom. Ask the Lord to help you draw closer to Him through these verses and through the provided daily reflections. We encourage you to recite the psalm aloud, pray-read to God, and taste the act of “eating the Lord’s words.” Please place more emphasis on the bold verses and reflect on them throughout your day. We have faith that if you begin your day in this way you will be dwelling in Christ and bearing much fruit throughout the day, and the Father will receive glory.
In this season of thanksgiving, along with our family and friends, let us earnestly practice these words - “whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Give Thanks to God For Who He Is 因著 神的所是稱謝 神

Day 1 Psalm 136:1-9 Give thanks to God for His Creation
(Memorization Scripture: vv. 1-3)
1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
2 Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever.
3 Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever:

4 To Him who alone does great wonders, For His mercy endures forever;
5 To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, For His mercy endures forever;
6 To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, For His mercy endures forever;
7 To Him who made great lights, For His mercy endures forever—
8 The sun to rule by day, For His mercy endures forever;
9 The moon and stars to rule by night, For His mercy endures forever.

If we look upon God’s wondrous creation with humble hearts, we will gasp with admiration. But if our hearts are yet more humble, we will see within His wondrous creation His wondrous love. These verses call Him the God of gods and the Lord of lords: they speak to His goodness, His doing of great wonders, and His wisdom, and they provoke us to ponder His power, His creation, and His wholeness. Their central message is but one: we are to give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever!


  1. 因著 神的所是稱謝 神
  2. 因著 神的救恩稱謝 神
  3. 在艱難環境中稱謝 神
  4. 從不平和埋怨中轉向 神獻上感謝為祭
  5. 因著禱告蒙垂聽獻上感謝為祭
  6. 因著屬靈爭戰得勝獻上感謝為祭

詩篇,其主要目的是用來吟唱的,不是拿來研究的,但是它內中的學問卻非常深邃。求主幫助我們每早晨藉著這些經文和每日一小段靈修心得親近祂。鼓勵大家出聲朗誦經文,然後向神禱讀,嚐嚐 “將耶和華的話吃了” 的滋味。然後重心放在粗體的背誦經文上,一天都可以回味無窮。相信這樣開始的一天,一定是一個住在基督裡的一天,也是一個多結果子的一天,叫父神因我們得到榮耀。


Day 1 詩篇136:1-9 為著 神的創造稱謝祂
2 你們要稱謝萬神之神,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
3 你們要稱謝萬主之主,因他的慈愛永遠長存!

4 稱謝那獨行大奇事的,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
5 稱謝那用智慧造天的,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
6 稱謝那鋪地在水以上的,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
7 稱謝那造成大光的,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
8 他造日頭管白晝,因他的慈愛永遠長存!
9 他造月亮星宿管黑夜,因他的慈愛永遠長存!

【心得分享】我們若是存謙卑的心,看見 神奇妙的創造,一定很自然的湧出驚嘆!若是再謙卑一點,就還要看見 神在創造中向我們所顯的慈愛。這幾節聖經稱耶和華為萬神之神,萬主之主;提到 神的善、神的獨行大奇事、神的智慧;讓人思想祂的能力、祂的設計、祂的周全、...。中心就是要我們稱謝耶和華,因祂的慈愛永遠長存! (NY)

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Thanksgiving Scripture - Nov 30

Introduction ... Day 30 Psalm 118:5-24 The Lord is on my side; What can man do to me? (Memorization Scripture: vv. 6,8-9,14) 5 I called on t...